Monday, April 13, 2015

Gaming, Virtual Reality, and Science Fiction

This is the trifecta of reading for those of you who are gamers or technology geeks – sure to appeal to most teenage boys.  The books below are futuristic tales centered around video games, virtual reality, and technology.  These stories might have you asking could the stories be closer to reality than you think.

The Eye of Minds

by James Dashner

Games have taken on a new level in the virtual reality game called Lifeblood which inserts sensors into your body so that you can feel everything in the game, yet still be protected from death; but what happens when one gamer goes too far and is actually able to kill his opponents?

Found at: Public Library

Why chosen: This is the ultimate in teenage gaming science fiction story, letting the reader imagine where virtual reality might take video games.

For the Win

by Cory Doctorow

The story is a complex world of multiplayer, role playing gaming where players try to amass online wealth by mining gold; a small group of gamers comes together virtually to fight the real sweatshops of third world operations where low paid workers play the game to collect the virtual gold which can be sold online for real money to more economically advantaged players.

Found at: Public Library

Why chosen: This science fiction takes on worldwide economic inequality by focusing on the gaming industry; the book is available online for free by the author.

Evil Genius

by Catherine Jinks

Cadell Piggott, computer hacker with genius status, is selected for the Axis Institute where he can study such things as World Domination, Basic Lying, Mutation; but Cadell has a change of heart when he meets Kay-Lee online, he questions the morality of his ways, and decides to use his hacking skills to stop evil.

Found at: Public Library

Why chosen: A different take on the ultra smart, computer geek character who uses his genius for evil and for good.

The Unidentified

by Rae Mariz

Set in a futuristic world where students go to schools run by corporations,  school curriculum is delivered through video games and the students' every move and online presence is tracked to determine market trends.

Found at: Public Library

Why chosen:  Readers will recognize elements of the present world in a futuristic society that has taken video games and social media to an extreme.

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